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Release from the Town of Halton Hills.

Hello Everyone,

As a reminder we are not organizing Pickleball play at this time. Public courts are open and available for use on a first come first serve basis there is no booking available for public courts.

Prospect Park has 2 Permanent nets available, while Emmerson Park and Joseph Gibbons Park have Pickleball lines for those who have their own nets.
The 6 Tennis courts at Gellert Community Centre do not have Pickleball lines

We will be disabling the Whats App group on Sunday evening April 11th until the current restrictions are lifted.

The following is a release from Mandy Keller regarding Pickleball and Tennis play in Halton Hills.

Good Afternoon Tennis and Pickleball players/groups

There has been quite a bit of activity with Tennis and Pickleball play with regard to the province-wide stay at home order  (both with our municipal partners and our local residents looking to play)

In our consultation with Halton Region Public Health and other municipalities we understand that the direction to the community with regard to Tennis and Pickleball play is as follows;

  • COVID-19 province-wide declaration of emergency and stay-at-home-order: Outdoor exercise is permitted.  Tennis and Pickleball courts are open and available to the public for general use.  Social distancing measures (2 meters or 6ft apart) MUST be maintained; Singles play is strongly recommended or for Doubles play limit to members of your household.

Tennis and Pickleball play during COVID-19:

  • Social distancing measures (2 meters or 6ft apart) MUST be maintained
  • Avoid all physical contact.
  • Singles play is strongly recommended or for Doubles play limit to members of your household.
  • Do not play if you are exhibiting the symptoms of Covid-19.
  • Sanitize and refrain from sharing equipment.
  • Wear a mask in all common space areas. Not required during play.
  • Do not gather and leave the court immediately after play.

We are putting up signage at courts and providing clarity on webpages to ensure this is well communicated.  Enforcement will be monitoring locations (as with all parks and outdoor amenities) and responding to complaints made by the public regarding gatherings.

I hope that this provides clarity, let me know if any additional clarification is needed

Kindest regards,

Mandy Keller, Senior Manager of Community Development
Recreation and Parks
Town of Halton Hills | 1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, L7G 5G2