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Covid-19 Update

Hello Pickleballers,

As everyone is aware, on April 3rd the Province was placed in another shutdown due to rising Covid cases.

The Town courts were opened a few weeks earlier than expected with a limit of 25 players.

With the new Provincial Shutdown, we have tried to find out how outdoor play protocols affect Pickleball. The information is different from region to region and even different within local Municipalities.

The Ontario Government has referred to Governing Sport Bodies to create outdoor play protocols as well, which again is different for each sport. For instance Tennis Ontario protocols allow for Doubles play.
(This may change at any time)

Until there is more clarity for Pickleball we will follow the Town of Halton Hills guidelines for court usage.
The following is a release from the Town on outdoor usage;

Effective Saturday, April 3rd 2021 at 12:01 a.m., we enter the Shutdown zone (Emergency Brake).  Under the new protocols, residents are encouraged to stay home except for essential reasons including “exercise and physical activity”. Outdoor park amenities like playgrounds, trails, basketball and tennis courts are still open and available to the public for general use for groups less than five people.  No team sports, practices or organized play are allowed.  Play on public courts is limited to members from the same household and singles play.

For safety reasons we will not be providing nets for use during the 28 day shut down period. There are 2 permanent courts at Prospect Park in Acton. There are no permanent Pickleball courts in Georgetown.

For those who have their own nets, along with Prospect Park there are Pickleball court lines at Emmerson Park and Joseph Gibbons Park in Georgetown.

There are no Pickleball lines on any of the 6 courts at the Gellert Community Centre in Georgetown.

Demand for the permanent Pickleball courts may still be high during this shutdown, we would encourage anyone who arrives to play, to be mindful of the rules at the courts and respect the time limits posted.

We hope this is the last shutdown and play will resume, like last summer, by May or June.
We are in talks with the Town on having permitted morning and evening Pickleball only play, once we reach the Orange Control Zone.

As information changes daily, we will do our best to keep everyone updated as soon as we can.

For now, stay safe, we hope to see everyone again soon!

Your Executive.