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HHPA Harvest Classic Pickleball Tournament


HHPA is proud to present our largest tournament ever on Saturday, September 23 at Prospect Park in Acton.

Tournament play will be starting at 8:30 am with different categories starting throughout the day. The rain date will be the following day on Sunday September 24th.


The format for this tournament will be a little bit different than what we’ve done in the past.

Pick your partner! 

Players will sign up as pairs (teams of two) on the HHPA website. and will be placed into pools to complete a round robin schedule before the top teams qualify for the division playoffs.

Teams will play a minimum of three matches in their category.

We will be running competitions in:

Men’s doubles (3 Levels)
Ladies doubles (3 levels)
Mixed doubles (3 levels)

A level – Advanced players
B level – Intermediate players
C level – Novice players

Players are encouraged to register in the level that is best indicative of your combined team level.

The tournament committee reserved the right to review and potentially re-classify teams based on skill level or tournament logistics needs.

Players can expect the Women’s tournament to start at 8:30 AM. The Mixed doubles will start at approximately 11am with the Men’s division beginning at approximately 1:30 pm

The schedule will be published approximately 1 week prior to the tournament.

Registration will begin on Thursday August 24th and will close on Wednesday September 13th.
Cost is $40 per team. You must register on the HHPA website, sign up will not be on TeamReach

Please note – Sign up will be for both players, you only need to sign up for one spot per team!


If you are interested in playing, but do not have a partner, please contact Bob Dezeeuw (through Team Reach) and he will try and pair you up where possible.